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-luving everyday~


degree in counselling/psychology
exotic, dior addict, green tea perfumes~
a job I luv tat pays me super well
nice vacations~ taiwan, japan, south korea and hong kong!!!
new love
new clothes
new life
teeth whitening


ChatteR b0x_____


aH jIaO *
DiDi *
aH mEi *
sUeT sUeT *
aH mEi'S DBSK *
aH bAo *
sToRiEs oF sTaRs *


3/14/10 - 3/21/10
5/30/10 - 6/6/10
6/6/10 - 6/13/10
9/19/10 - 9/26/10
10/10/10 - 10/17/10
10/24/10 - 10/31/10
10/6/13 - 10/13/13
10/13/13 - 10/20/13


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Monday, June 07, 2010


Ouch! OuChhh! OOOUCH!!!!

But at least I didn't puke from running today. Unlike the other day when I tried to run around our home, I saw stars and puked when reached home.

Yup. Oh boy. I can't believe I puked. That was the first time I saw stars and swirling circles... HAHAHAHAHahaha! Oh boy...

And today, despite the heavy rain (thanks di, thanks ar. *suaning* =P), together with my di, we actually headed to the gym! First time in my whole life time wor! I felt like a dork there, unsure what to do and what to try.

First I tried cycling, but was bored after 5 minutes and tried this machine which seem like stepping and once I started stepping on it, it was like running. Stayed there for like 15 minutes..? Or more..? I couldn't remember now but I went back to cycling for 20 minutes and another type of cycling for 20 mintues.

To my horror, I almost fell down from weak knees when I finished cycling! I tried to go take shower but this cruel di di said he and his friend had just started on their workouts. OH BOY...

And then, I tried running. HAha! I managed to keep running for 20 mintues without stopping~ YEAH!

Of course I rushed to take a shower straight after that and kept pumping myself with water. Thank God for the hot water in the shower~ It feels great to take a shower after a workout... Until the aching kicks in, that is.

Now I'm armed with yoko yoko and the joint pain relief cream and perhaps even those big plaster that can relieve pain later right before I sleep. ACHES!!!!!! I HATE ACHES!

My mum, kept laughing at my didi and I because I walked like a duck and he looked stoned. Only that he's stoned from muscles training and not drugs, those drug junkies should try this gym things... It will give the same achings and stoned look without headache, a bonus!

... If I have to do this once every week... *HORRIFIED!!!!! (>O<)* I can't believe my mum after laughing at me suggested that my didi and I should go every week! AhHHhhhHHh!!!

I'm gonna hug my sister's yoko yoko and thank God for such wonderful creation~ *mucking my yoko yoko... Just kidding~ LOL*

ii will always believe... 6/07/2010 12:11:00 AM